这张照片拍摄于墨尔本奥兰多地区机场的封顶仪式上,后排右六是阿依达·兰格尔. 现场的其他女性还有现场职员苏茜·鲍尔斯(坐在兰格尔旁边)和安全协调员莎莉·卢帕杜斯, second from right in front row.

March 6, 2023

Work-Life Balance is Challenging but Attainable, Female Leaders Say

As mothers and project management professionals, Aida Rangel和Heather Brown很欣赏澳门足彩app在优先事项发生冲突时的灵活性和支持.


Editor’s note: Today, we kick off Women in Construction Week, which celebrates and promotes the role of women in the construction industry. 整个星期,我们都将关注今年的主题“多条道路,一个使命”.” Today, 澳门足彩app的两位女性建筑项目管理专业人士也是母亲,她们分享了如何在家庭和工作之间取得平衡.

作为一个总承包商的女儿,阿依达·兰格尔从小就知道她想进入建筑业. But she also knew she wanted to be a partner and parent. 当她以实习生的身份认识哈斯克尔时,她知道自己找到了一个可以两者兼顾的地方.

Rangel四年前加入澳门足彩app,在Merritt岛的一个项目中担任助理项目经理(APM), Florida. 她的主管确保她有时间找到一套公寓,并为儿子安排了托儿服务, Lazarus.

“They treat me very well in the office and field,” Rangel said. “We all look out for one another. They understood when I had an emergency call for my son at school.”

她现在是墨尔本奥兰多国际机场航站楼改造和扩建的APM员. 她的丈夫特雷弗·布拉德利是另一家布里瓦德县航空公司的项目经理 & Aerospace project in the area, known as Florida’s Space Coast.

“My son is in second grade, and he doesn’t mind changing schools. He likes to make new friends,” Rangel said. “But as he gets older, he’s going to need long-term relationships, so I’m not sure I’m going to want to move every year or every other year.”

虽然每个人都面临平衡职业和个人生活的挑战, parents deal with an added degree of difficulty.

Heather Brown says balancing her work and home life is a challenge. However, her supervisors at 澳门足彩app “are very supportive, extremely gracious.”

When Brown joined 澳门足彩app in 2021, the move to Jacksonville, Florida, 从州的另一边搬到德斯廷意味着要离开帮助她照顾女儿的家庭和支持系统, Parker, who is now 5. As a Project Manager, she travels periodically to job sites, and early on that involved trips to Appleton, Minn.

“When I was out of town, my dad would drive the five hours from Destin to stay with Parker,” Brown said. “And if he couldn’t do it, one of my cousins would. So, it was very complicated.”

After a year, Brown transferred to 澳门足彩app’s office in Salt Lake City, Utah – professionally a fantastic opportunity but logistically … another challenge.


She discovered that kindergarten only lasts three hours in Utah, so she needed to arrange before- and after-school care. She ended up on wait lists. She and her boyfriend, Josh Atwood, who is a 澳门足彩app Desktop System Administrator, have shared child-care duties for Parker and Josh’s 11-year-old daughter.

“He’s been a tremendous help. Josh can work from home and take Parker back and forth to school,” Brown said. “Next year, she’ll be in first grade, and everything will be so much easier.”

布朗每周在家工作两天,每周在办公室或工作现场工作三天. Her current project is a wastewater treatment plant in American Falls, Idaho.

“Everyone at 澳门足彩app has been so understanding,” Brown said. “They don’t make me feel guilty about needing time off. It’s your internal standard that you feel you’re not meeting. So, I put pressure on myself for not meeting that standard.”

And Brown said she’s not alone. The Salt Lake office has lots of female team members who have children. “I keep pitching to my boss that we need on-site daycare,” Brown said.

兰格尔在招聘会上代表哈斯克尔,并鼓励看到更多的女性对建筑行业感兴趣. She is often asked about balancing work and life and meeting family responsibilities, and she responds reassuringly.

“I tell them they don’t have to worry about having to go home to deal with something. It’s not going to hurt their career,” she said. “They can be honest. I’ve never thought I couldn’t get the personal time I need. You don’t find that everywhere. 澳门足彩app is more of a family. They don’t treat you as if you don’t have a personal life.”

澳门足彩app is hiring! Explore the many options available to join a growing company 致力于通过尊重工作和家庭之间的平衡来提供你一生中最好的工作.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

促进和扩大多样性和包容性是澳门足彩app长期愿景的战略支柱,也是创造重要团队成员体验的基础, success and satisfaction. 澳门足彩app Together是我们有意和一贯的倡议,旨在促进公开对话并带来积极的变化.

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